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11 Unusual Ways to Earn an
Income on the Internet

Ade Ons | 26 Jun 2024 |  BEGINNER'S GUIDE  | ADVERTORIAL

In this article, you will learn about eleven unusual ways to earn income online.

Some of these methods may not appeal to you, and that's okay. You don't need to pursue all of them. 

In most cases, just one of these internet income secrets can be life-changing.

Let's get started!


#1: Get Paid To Give Away Free Vacations

I love this one! There are so many ways to use this, depending on your experience level online. Before I get into how to make money with this, let me explain a little bit about how this actually works.

First, this is not multi-level marketing (MLM) and it’s not a pyramid scheme. Plus, it costs you nothing, other than the time it takes to promote these free vacations.

Second, these vacation packages you’re giving away are actually free. Typically, the catch is you have to listen to a sales presentation about owning a timeshare. Not the best thing to do while on vacation but hey, it’s free!

There are a few different companies that will pay you to give away their free vacations. One of them is Rooms101 (https://www.rooms101.com/). They will pay you $15 for every free vacation that’s redeemed. Not too shabby, right?!

So how do you give these free vacations away? My mind is packed full of ideas for this one.

The easiest way is to reach out to your network of friends and family. Write up a quick post on Facebook, and any other social media sites you use. Send an email out explaining your new venture and let them know the different kinds of vacations they could go on for free.

Outside of your friends and family, you could post on classified ad websites like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, etc. These are probably the easiest ways to quickly give away some free vacations and earn some fast money.

Now for more of an advanced technique. I love this next idea, not bragging, I just think it’s a great way to connect yourself to an existing pool of potential prospects.

Approach local business owners and allow them to give away your free vacations to their customers. They could include it as an incentive if people decide to make a purchase (and what a great incentive it is).

They benefit from being able to give away such a great bonus and you earn $15 every time someone redeems their free vacation. A few local businesses that you could approach are: car dealerships, carpet cleaners, roofers, accountants, etc.

Lastly, here’s an even more advanced technique. Run ads on Facebook, Instagram, etc. giving away your free vacations. Just send people to a squeeze page (a page that requires the visitor to enter their email address to continue) and give them their free vacation after they’ve opt-ed in.

Now you’ll have an email list of people that you can contact in the future about other offers you decide to promote. As long as you don’t spend more than $15 per opt-in, you stand to make a decent amount of money.


#2: Start Your Own Print Company Without Printing Anything

Print services are one of the most commoditized industries in the world. There are so many big printers out there, like Vistaprint, who can afford to offer print services at extraordinarily low prices. How are you supposed to compete with that?

The short answer is… don’t. Don’t compete with them. Instead, do what they can’t do. Offer extremely good customer service and deliver high-quality products. Here’s how you can do that…

Start by going after local businesses. Local business owners hate dealing with large corporations and more than that, they hate giving them their money. They’d rather it go to another local business owner.

Unfortunately, most of the local print shops are closing up because they just don’t know how to compete with these big companies.

Next, you don’t have to do any of the printing yourself. There are many “wholesale print companies” who will take your order and deliver it straight to your customer, made to look like it came from you.

One of those companies is PrintingForLess.com. They offer wholesale printing for print buyers and brokers. You would be considered a broker.

Being a broker allows you to control your own margins. If you’re competing with other shops, maybe you’d want to offer the first job at your cost or even below your cost just to get the job. There are no rules when you’re the one with the customer.

Think of different offers you could use to land some print clients. One that’s worked well for Vistaprint is the 250 free business cards. Sure, you’re losing money on the initial sale but think of all of the business you’ll get from that client in the future.


#3: Make Money From Memes

Are you good at coming up with funny sayings? Do people constantly laugh at your quick responses? You could be a perfect fit for this internet income secret!

There’s a website online called PicturePunches that allows you to get paid to create memes. Be careful visiting this site, you might catch yourself two hours later, still scrolling and reading through them all!

Honestly, it’s pretty difficult to figure out how you make money from this site. After browsing through their “Rules” and “Learn” sections, I figured it out.

When you create, and upload, a meme, an ad is included below each meme. You get paid per ad impression. So, any time someone views your meme, you get paid for the ad impression from the ad below your meme.

Now, it’s not much money here but if you get creative, there are a few ways to make a pretty decent amount of money passively with this method.

Here’s an example of one of the memes with an ad for a subreddit below it:


#4: Get Paid To Preach (Via Email)

This is one of my favorite internet income secrets in this article. It’s been something I’ve wanted to try for a very long time. This idea was inspired by a book called What a Way to Live and Make a Living: The Lyman P. Wood Story.

Lyman was a direct marketing genius and got started selling lucky rabbit feet, which turned out to be very successful, but he stopped because of some regulatory issues.

Since he realized so many people were looking for hope and inspiration, he created an organization called the Life-Study Fellowship. He sold prayers, inspirational books, and magazines to his members.

When I first read this, an idea immediately hit me and it’s never escaped me. Create a paid email newsletter where you would send one email per day and include a bible verse with a brief summary relating it to everyday life.

You could easily charge $2-$5 per month, per person. You wouldn’t need many subscribers to be able to make a pretty good living.

Email businesses provide you with a pretty good lifestyle. With simple email tools like Aweber, you could create and queue up a full month’s worth of emails in one day and take the rest of the month off, while your email business runs by itself!

Adding subscribers wouldn’t be too hard either. People share this stuff like crazy, especially if you make it easy for them to share. You could also run Facebook Ads to slowly build up your paid subscriber base.

This same model would work in tons of different niches and applications.


#5: Make Money Writing Greeting Cards

Have a knack for writing catchy, humorous sayings? You could be earning a full-time income from home as a greeting card writer!

Beyond the giant greeting card corporations, there are many little greeting card publishers who are looking to make a name for themselves. There’s no better way to do that than by hiring someone who has a talent in writing hilarious copy.

Think about the amount of time people spend in the greeting card aisles at stores, opening card after card until they find one that’s perfect for the occasion. The demand is huge.

There’s an even bigger demand for “adult humor” cards. Cards that would make your mother cringe. Those types of cards have the biggest “wow factor” to them and they get passed around the party like wildfire.

Here are a few greeting card companies who are looking for talented writers:

• Calypso-https://www.calypsocards.com/
• Blue Mountain Arts-http://www.sps.com/
• Noble Works-https://www.nobleworkscards.com/
• Oatmeal Studios-http://www.oatmealstudios.com/
• RSVP-http://www.creativersvp.com/#rsvp
• Viabella-https://www.viabella.com/
• Card Gnome-https://www.cardgnome.com/sell


#6: Make Money Giving Away iPhones

This internet income secret has been around for a decade or more. It’s been around longer than the iPhone has even been in existence.

In reality, there are a lot of different gifts and gadgets you can get paid to give away. These offers are called freebie offers and they’re typically offered through something called CPA networks.

A CPA network is a place affiliate marketers can go to browse through different CPA offers. CPA can stand for a number of different things in the online marketing world. The most common being cost per action and cost per acquisition.

As an affiliate who’s promoting CPA offers, you could be paid for email opt-ins, zip code submits, PIN submits, long-form lead submissions, percentages of sales referred, and more.

For this internet income secret, you could earn $2.50 for every SOI you get. SOI stands for single opt-in. By opt-in they’re typically referring to email opt-in. So you get paid $2.50 for every person you refer who enters their email address.

No confirmation is required by the person who opts in. As soon as they enter their email address and hit the submit button, you earn $2.50. Here’s an example of one of these CPA offers:

In this case, you’re giving away a free iPhone XR. The way these offers work are, the user has to complete a series of other steps in order to qualify for the free iPhone. If they complete those steps, they’ll be rewarded with a voucher for the free phone.


#7: Make Money As A Mock Juror

Yes, you can actually make money from home as a “mock juror”. When attorneys are putting a case together and preparing for trial, they will sometimes want to get the feedback of their case from other people. That’s where the mock jury comes in.

There are a number of different sites where attorneys can go to form a mock jury. Here are just a few:

• eJury-http://www.ejury.com/
• JuryTalk-http://jurytalk.com/
• JuryTest-https://jurytest.net/
• OnlineVerdict-https://www.onlineverdict.com/
• Resolution Research-https://resolutionresearch.com/
• Sign Up Direct-http://signupdirect.com/
• Virtual Jury-http://www.virtualjury.com/

So, what does it take to be a mock juror? Here’s a list of restrictions compiled from a number of the sites above:

• Must be 18+ years of age
• Must be a US citizen
• You can’t be a convicted felon
• You can’t be under indictment for a felony charge or a mis-demeanor
• Must have basic reading and writing skills
• You can’t be a lawyer, paralegal, or legal assistant
• You can’t work in certain parts of the insurance industry


#8: Create A Niche Book Club Site

This internet income secret is unbelievable. Book clubs are still a thing. People do still gather together once a week to discuss books they’ve read.

The internet brings all new possibilities to the idea of a book club. You’re just gathering like-minded people together, providing intriguing information, and making money from your efforts.

Keep your email list hyper-focused around a specific type of book. Could be vampire novels, romance, dog fiction, and more.

There are a few ways to monetize your book club.

The first way is, promote the actual books as an Amazon affiliate. Not much money here but easy, nonetheless.

The second way is, monetize your audience. An audience of any kind can be monetized. The more targeted your audience is, the more money it’s worth.

For example, let’s say you have an online book club of people interested in mystery novels. Each week you email the club about a new mystery novel you read, providing a review, feedback from other people, etc.

Inside each email you could have all kinds of different ads.


#9: Make Money From Your Mobile Photos

More and more, businesses are trying to avoid stock photo sites. Why? Well, because everyone can tell they are stock photos. They look staged. Cheesy, even.

People are drawn to real, captivating photos. Events that aren’t staged. Natural life experiences. Things like: kids playing in a fountain, dogs playing fetch, families sitting down to the table for dinner.

The advantage your mobile phone gives you over an actual photoshoot with expensive equipment is, you can capitalize on events as they happen by simply pulling your phone out of your pocket and snapping the photo.

Try and come up with different photo ideas ahead of time and capture them as they happen naturally in your life.

Here are a few different apps you can use to upload your mobile photography for money:

• Foap-https://www.foap.com/
• Snapwire-https://www.snapwi.re/creator/intro
• Snapcape-http://www.snapcape.com/join-us
• Stockimo-https://www.stockimo.com/


#10: Make Money From Gamers

The gamer market is huge right now. For this strategy you target gamers using the Google Display Network.

GDN has the largest amount of ad inventory in the world. It’s crazy. But one of the biggest opportunities with GDN where very few marketers are capitalizing on is inside mobile apps.

A lot of people frown upon mobile app ad inventory, saying any clicks you get will just be accidental clicks or non-buyers. That’s definitely true to an extent but it’s not the majority of the time.

GDN is a Google network. They’re not in the business of driving “junk traffic”. They’ve perfected the online advertising game and have gotten accidental clicks and bot traffic under control for the most part.

That leaves you with incredibly cheap clicks, insane targeting options, and an almost infinite amount of volume for scale. What else could you ask for?

This internet income secret is about targeting gamers. What do you promote to gamers? More games, duh!

CPA networks are loaded with gaming offers and Google could care less if you promote gaming offers on their network. There’s no problem there.

It’s just a matter of matching up the right games to the right people.


#11: Make 6-Figures Per Year Flipping Digital Real Estate

I love this internet income secret! I know, I've said that for almost every one of these secrets lol! This internet income stuff gets me excited though!

You’ve probably heard of people flipping houses and making money in real estate. The idea of buying a house that needs some “TLC”, giving it the required “TLC”, and then selling it for money, has been around for quite some time.

However, most people don’t realize that you can do the same thing online in a digital manner… without ever having to pick up a hammer.

It’s called domain flipping. A domain is a website’s address, some-times called a URL. Like https://www.google.com is Google’s domain name.

Here’s how this internet income secret works… you find an available domain name that would be desirable to others, you purchase it, and resell it for more money than you bought it for. Here’s an example of a recent domain that I purchased…

I purchased the domain name, AffiliateSkills.com for $385.00. The person who sold this domain to me likely paid $10-$15 when they originally registered it themselves back in 2007. Now, you do have to pay to renew your registrations every year, unless you paid for a multi-year license up front.

Truth is, had this person put more effort into promoting this domain and putting it in front of the right person, they could’ve probably sold it for $5,000-$10,000. Are you seeing the opportunity here? I bought it for $385. If I were to put it in front of the right person, I could stand to make a huge profit on the sale of this domain.

The cool part is, you don’t have to spend $300-$400 for good domain names. There are many “.COMs” still available for the standard price of $10-$15 each. GoDaddy has a cool tool available to help you estimate how much domain names are worth: https://www.godaddy.com/domain-value-appraisal.

Here’s an available domain I found for $2.99 on GoDaddy and look at what GoDaddy says for its Estimated Value:

I could buy that domain name right now for $2.99 on GoDaddy and turn around and list it for sale for $1,396. They base this estimate on comparable domains that were recently sold. Pretty cool, right?!

There are thousands of domains just like this one that are available right now. I like to try to keep my domains to two words, never more than three. I’ve found that two-word domains are worth more than three-word domains.

For even more Internet income secrets, be sure to claim your FREE digital copy of The Big Book of Internet Income Secrets on this page.   



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